AI for all.

We demystify artificial intelligence and machine learning through a form and node-based software toolset that flattens the learning curve for adoption into the creative & corporate process. 

Rotoscoping & Motion Capture tools.
Batch process your data and feed different ai into each other to create your own pipeline with our built-in nodegraph.

Use AI like any other creative tool. 


Utilize over 50 built-in and custom AI & Machine-Learning processes & models for creative and industrial needs.


Create & Train custom AI & Machine-Learning models for your specific needs.


Deploy PyTorch and ONNYX AI & Machine-Learning models, along with multiple encoders.

From Quick Use Solutions to Long Term Solutions.

With solutions ranging from Rotoscoping & Full-body Motion Capture to training predictive business models, UAI can create solutions to save you time.

  • Rotoscoping
  • Mask driven In-Painting
  • Facial Deep-Fake
  • HDRI from image
  • Image From Text Generator
  • Speech Cloner & TTS
  • Style Transfer
  • Motion-Capture from video.
  • Train an AI to predict any value inside a spreadsheet.
  • Create a full pipeline and batch process multiple ai and connect all your data with our node graph.
  • Single-Shot Image Classifier & Tracker
  • Structure From Motion
  • Idea & Text Generation from your own data
  • Setiment analysis of data
Key Facts
  • Easy to use Forms & Node Graph.
  • StyleGAN2 & 3 encoders and mixers.
  • HuggingFace* enabled forms and nodes
  • PyTorch Models export
  • ONNYX Models export
  • Accelerated by NVIDIA CUDA cores.
  • Self-Host a web app to provide your network AI Tools.
& More features built-in
UAI Standalone Pricing

Get the UAI Standalone Application for Windows 64-bit.

Monthly Subscription


Annual Subscription


Save over $80!

Perpetual License


1 Year Updates & Support


*Not needed if part of subscription plan.

Coming Soon


at the Harvard Innovation Labs via the Venture Program 2022


We are a team well-versed in media and industrial production. Every tool in UAI has be used and built for production.

Justin Jaro

CEO & Lead Developer

Ethica Burt

COO & Designer